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  scientific program - may 31, 2017    

            May - June 2017

PLENARY SESSION (Main Conference Hall)  Chairperson:
9.00 E.Peik(PTB, Braunschweig, Germany)Testing invariance of the fine structure constant with atomic clocks
9.45 M.Henneaux(Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)Asymptotic symmetries in gravity: the Hamiltonian approach
10.30-11.00 Coffee-Break
Session HIGH ENERGY AND PLASMA ASTROPHYSICS   Chairperson: I.Moskalenko
11.00 A.Lagutin (Altai State Univ., Barnaul)Average value of the cosmic ray injection exponent at Galactic sources
11.30 K.S.Cheng (Univ. of Hong-Kong)Gamma-ray binaries
12.00 H.Inoue (Inst. of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, Japan)Accretion rings at the outermost part of accretion disks and their observational appearances
12.30 M.Panasyuk (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.)Experimental study of Galactic and Extragalactic cosmic rays: for and against the theory
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Session QUANTUM GRAVITY AND COSMOLOGY   Chairperson: K.Stelle
11.00 S.Sibiryakov (EPFL, Lausanne & CERN, Geneva, Switzerland & Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)Renormalization of gauge theories in the background-field approach
11.30 Ch.Steinwachs (Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Freiburg, Germany) Quantum properties of Lifshitz theories
12.00 A.Vikman (Inst. of Physics, Czech Republic & Yukawa Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan)Canonical exorcism for cosmological ghosts
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Session QUANTUM FIELD THEORY   Chairperson: J.Buchbinder
11.00 D.Kazakov (JINR, Dubna)UV divergences and RG equations in non-renormalizable theories
11.30 S.Konstein (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)Special values of coupling constants in Calogero models
12.00 L.Chekhov (Steklov Inst., Moscow)The ABCD of topological recursion
12.30 A.Lobanov (Moscow Univ.)Neutrino oscillations in the Standard Model
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
11.00 A.Buzdin (Univ. Bordeaux, France)Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism at the nanoscale
11.30 A.Melnikov (Inst. for Physics of Microstructures, N.Novgorod)Nonequilibrium dynamics of Majorana states in superconductors
12.00 K.Arutyunov (Moscow Inst. for Electronics and Mathematics, High School of Economics & Kapitza Inst., Moscow)Fluctuations in quasi-1-dimensional superconductors
13.00-14.30 Lunch
11.00 V.Gubernov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)Chaotic dynamics of combustion wave propagation in shell-core composite solid fuel structure
11.30 A.Kolobov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)Dynamics of interstitial fluid with tumor growth
12.00 S.Minaev (Far Eastern Univ., Vladivostok)Oscillating and rotating flame patterns in radial micro channel
12.30 A.Lobanov (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology)The platelets role in fibrin polymerization
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch

14.00 Excursion  

Session of satellite conference "Higher Spin Theory and Holography" - 6
10.55-11.00 Opening
lecture for young scientists
11.00-12.15 G.Barnich Introduction to asymptotic current algebras
12.15-12.30 coffee-break
lecture for young scientists
12.30-13.45 M.Bianchi Soft behaviour of scattering amplitudes in diverse contexts
13.15-15.00 lunch
scientific talks
15.00-15.30M.Taronna Higher-spin theories and locality
15.30-16.00 V.Didenko Progress in higher-spin theory
16.00-16.15 coffee-break
16.15-16.45 M.Vasiliev Current interactions in HS theory and locality
16.45-17.15 K.Alkalaev Various semiclassical limits of torus conformal blocks
17.15-17.30 coffee-break            
17.30-18.00 E.Skvortsov AdS/CFT in fractional dimension and higher-spins at one loop
18.00-18.30 I.Degtev Quotients of multiparticle higher-spin algebra
18.30-19.00 M.Alfimov QCD Pomeron with conformal spin from AdS/CFT Quantum Spectral Curve


list of talks:   


            May - June 2017


© 2017 Lebedev Institute, Tamm Theory Department Last update: May 29, 2017