B.Altshuler (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Scalar field on AdS: quantum one loop "in one line"
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E.Babichev (Univ. Paris-Sud & Paris Inst. of Astrophysics, France) with C.Charmousis, M.Hassaine |
Black holes in vector-tensor theories
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A.Baushev (Univ. de Chile, Santiago & JINR, Dubna)
Cusps vs. cores in the center of dark matter halos: a real conflict with observations or a numerical artefact of cosmological simulations?
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V.Berezin (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) with V.Dokuchaev, Yu.Eroshenko |
Cosmological particle creation, conformal invariance and A.D.Sakharov's induced gravity
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R.Casadio (Univ. of Bologna & INFN, Bologna, Italy) with A.Giugno, A.Giusti, M.Lenzi |
Quantum post-Newtonian corpuscular models of black holes (and cosmology)
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V.Dokuchaev (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) with V.Berezin, Yu.Eroshenko |
Global geometry of the Vaidya space-time
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S.Dubovsky (New York Univ., USA & Perimeter Inst., Waterloo, Canada) with V.Gorbenko, M.Mirbabayi |
Asymptotic fragility, $T\bar{T}$ deformation and flat space holography
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A.Filippov (JINR, Dubna) |
A new approach to cosmological models of very early Universe: on general solution of the dynamical equations in theories with scalar or vector fields coupled only to gravity
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V.Frolov (Univ. of Alberta, Canada) |
Remarks on non-singular black hole models
D.Fursaev (Dubna Univ. & JINR, Dubna) with S.Solodukhin, A.Astaneh, C.Berthiere |
Holographic entanglement entropy in BCFT
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D.Gal'tsov (Moscow Univ.) with G.Clement, M.Guenouch |
Relaxing cosmic censorship and chronology protection conjectures
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I.Ginzburg (Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics, Novosibirsk) |
Problems with variable Hilbert space in quantum mechanics. Questions for cosmology
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D.Gorbunov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Bugaboo black holes
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M.Iofa (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.) |
Hawking radiation of black hole with supertranslation field
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M.Ivanov ( Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Cosmological structure formation in mildly–nonlinear regime: from IR to UV
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A.Kamenshchik (Univ. of Bologna, Italy & Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) with E.Pozdeeva, A.Tronconi, G.Venturi, S.Vernov |
Bianchi-I cosmological model and crossing singularities
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M.Katanaev (Steklov Inst., Moscow) |
Chern-Simons term in the geometric theory of defects
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D.Levkov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) with A.Panin, I.Tkachev |
Relativistic axions from collapsing Bose stars
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S.Mironov (Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics & Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) with R.Kolevatov, N.Suchov, V.Volkova |
Cosmological bounce beyond Horndeski
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V.Mukhanov (Ludwig Maximilians Univ. of Munich) |
On the problem of singularities in general relativity
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A.Nikishov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Field-theoretical approach to gravity
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E.Nugaev (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) with A.Kovtun |
Restriction on the charge of Q-ball due to radiative corrections
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Yu.Obukhov (Nuclear Safety Inst., Moscow) with A.Silenko, O.Teryaev |
Dirac fermions in arbitrary external classical fields: quantum spin dynamics
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S.Ramazanov (Gran Sasso Science Inst., L’Aquila, Italy) with E.Babichev |
Caustic free completion of pressureless perfect fluid and k-essence
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S.Sibiryakov (EPFL, Lausanne & CERN, Geneva, Switzerland & Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow ) with A.Barvinsky, D.Blas, M.Herrero-Valea, C.Steinwachs |
Renormalization of gauge theories in the background-field approach
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P.Stamp (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) |
Correlated worldline theories of quantum gravity
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C.Steinwachs (Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Freiburg, Germany) with A.Barvinsky, D.Blas, M.Herrero-Valea, D.Nesterov, G.Perez-Nadal, S.Sibiryako |
Quantum properties of Lifshitz theories
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A.Tokareva (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) with D.Gorbunov |
On the dark radiation problem in the axiverse
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A.Toporensky (Sternberg Astronomical Inst., Moscow Univ.) with S.Mistra, V.Sahni, A.Ricciardone, D.Muller |
Generality of inflation in observation motivated models
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S.Vernov (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.) with E.Pozdeeva |
Bouncing models with non-monotonic Hubble parameter
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A.Vikman (Inst. of Physics, Czech Republic & Yukawa Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan) |
Canonical exorcism for cosmological ghosts
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M.Volkov (Univ. of Tours, France) |
Weyl metrics and wormholes
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O.Zaslavskii (Kharkov National Univ., Ukraine) |
Ultra-high energy particle collisions near black holes and singularities and super-Penrose process
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A.Zelnikov (Univ. of Alberta, Canada) with V.Frolov |
Quantum radiation from a sandwich black hole
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